Your Benefits
Whether we train, coach, or edit for you, you will gain short-term and long-term benefits.
Higher Productivity
Graduates from our workshops and coaching boost their productivity in three ways:
- Writing will become more efficient. The complete range of business documents—from email to memos to customer letters to reports—will get out sooner.
- Readers will respond more accurately and more quickly, with a need for fewer follow-ups.
- Writers gain confidence, and with more confidence, they draft and edit even more rapidly.
Improved Professional Rapport and Respect
Readers expect communications to get points across clearly and concisely. Readers also appreciate communications that look professional and are error-free.
When your organization’s writing satisfy those desires, you’ll enjoy:
- Projecting stronger professionalism
- Creating better rapport
- Earning more respect
Increased Sales
Two goals should tower above all others in selling with the written word:
- Strong, relentless focus on what will benefit the readers
- Ease for readers in taking the next step
Our writing workshops, coaching, and editing are rigorously designed and updated to achieve both goals.
Stronger Client/Customer Loyalty
Every year, our customers’ expectations grow. And as you know, their loyalty is often becoming more scarce.
Strong writing skills can help attract, satisfy, and keep customers in these
challenging times. In particular, graduates of our workshops and coaching can:
- Use the professional, yet personable tone that customers prefer.
- Identify with customer needs.
- Express more credible empathy, when appropriate.
- Send bad news communications that keep customers’ confidence and loyalty.
- Structure communications in line with contemporary customer reading patterns.